CN 29CN29A new standard in digital piano value and performance. Featuring the Responsive Hammer III keyboard action with 88-key counterweights and stunning SK-EX and EX concert grand piano sounds, the piano-focussed CN27 offers best-in-class touch & tone, Bluetooth® connectivity, and built-in lesson and recorder functions within a compact, elegant cabinet. Price: 0.00лв.
CN 39 NEWA new standard in digital piano value and performance. Combining the class-leading Responsive Hammer III keyboard action and stunning SK-EX, SK-5, and EX grand piano sounds, with a powerful Onkyo 4 speaker delivery system, convenient USB audio features, Bluetooth® connectivity, and a broad selection of sounds, the CN39 delivers impressive specifications at an unbeatable price. Price: 0.00лв.
CA 59CA59Concert Artist performance at an affordable price Combining the latest Grand Feel Compact wooden-key keyboard action and stunning SK-EX, SK-5, and EX grand piano sounds, with powerful 4 speaker output, convenient USB audio features, Bluetooth® MIDI and Audio connectivity, and a strong selection of sounds, the CA59 delivers best-in-class touch, tone, and features at an outstanding price. Price: 0.00лв.